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Confidence and Self-Esteem

Many people have thinking bias’s which contribute to low self-esteem. One example of a thinking bias is that a person is quick to find anything that fits with negative ideas or beliefs about themselves, and discount anything positive which would contradict the negative. When a person does this, they in effect focus on what they do wrong, and ignore what they do right. A person with low self-esteem has a tendency to disregard or even reject compliments given to them with the idea that it’s not true and someone is just trying to be nice by giving the compliment.

When a person has low self-esteem, the beliefs they hold about who they truly think they are will be mainly negative, and negative beliefs are expressed in many ways. These beliefs will affect how a person behaves. They might avoid challenges and opportunities, be continually apologetic, or find it difficult to be assertive. This person feels sadness, guilt, shame, frustration and anger. This also shows up in physical ways causing illness and feelings of fatigue and tension.

If you suffer from negative self-talk you might find that life seems to be as bad as you expect it to be as the subconscious mind helps to deliver a real life outcome to follow the thoughts you have been thinking. The good news is, it also works in the other direction. It is possible to guide your thoughts to focus on good things about you and around you, you will find your subconscious mind finds ways to prove those things to be true.