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Hypnotherapy Treatments

IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Pain management

Hypno-analgesia has been shown to decrease acute and chronic pain in most individuals and has been used successfully in a number of interventions in many clinics, hospitals and dental treatments, within some hospitals hypnotherapy has been used as an adjunct or alternative to anaesthesia during surgery. For acute pain, it has proven effective in reducing the pain experienced for example in child-birth, surgical procedures and pain related to dental work,. Chronic pain conditions for which hypnosis has been used successfully include, among others, headache, backache, fibromyalgia, carcinoma-related pain, temporal mandibular disorder pain, and mixed chronic pain.

Smoking and Vaping Cessation

For anyone wanted to stop smoking, hypnotherapy can super-charge your will power to help you achieve the healthier life you desire and save you money too.

As Imagination is the language of the subconscious, suggestions are used that offer alternative behaviours to smoking when those needs or situations come up, these are tailored to you. Aversion therapy can be included that builds an image that your mind will find disgusting to create a link within your subconscious to smoking which will come to mind when a thought of smoking occurs. Hypnotherapy treatment aims at addressing the subconscious motivations for smoking. These are often solutions for boredom, stress, loneliness, or the desire to fit in repeated behaviours then become habits reinforced by the addictive nature of nicotine.

It can be used as a stand alone treatment or in combination with nicotine replacement therapy. The treatment is usually delivered in one longer session lasting approx 2 hours, which will include an in depth assessment of the factors motivating your desire to be a non smoker and the situations where you are most likely to want to smoke. An additional session is offered to reinforce motivation should this be required.


When people think of insomnia, they often assume it involves being up all night without getting any sleep. But since most people vary in how much sleep they need from night to night, insomnia is not defined by how long it takes to fall asleep or the number of hours of sleep. Instead, insomnia relates to the distress and day-to-day impairment as a result of one or more of the following: having trouble falling asleep, difficulty remaining asleep through the night, waking too early, or getting only non-restorative sleep, which leaves people feeling irritated, groggy, drained, or distracted the next day

To be able to sleep, the mind needs to be in a relaxed state, and one of the most effective ways to do that is through hypnosis as a natural state of deep relaxation . One of the reasons why it can be so hard to fall asleep is because the conscious mind keeps you awake, the more you try to sleep the harder it becomes to relax. Thoughts and worries keep swirling around in your mind, preventing you from falling asleep. Hypnotherapy guides you redirect your thoughts and calms your mind to give you back control so you can finally get a good night sleep, night after night.

Anxiety, Stress, Fears and Phobias

If you suffer from feelings of fear and dread, you are certainly not alone. For some people there is a specific trigger for their fear, such as public speaking, flying, insects, open or closed spaces, animals or dentists to name a few. Often there was a time in the past when this fear first appeared. You might find that you can cope by avoiding the thing that frightens you, this can be effective but also might mean that your fear may cause you to miss out on things in life.

For others, an almost constant fear and anxiousness can exist that can feel inescapable and crippling. Not only can this limit you from achieving your potential it can also take the enjoyment out of life that you deserve to feel. Research has shown that hypnotherapy can help relieve stress, fear, and anxiety. It can also be used to help in coping with panic attacks. While under hypnosis, you can be guided to bring attention to coping with specific symptoms and overcoming limiting behaviours. Hypnotherapy can allow you to learn how to remain relaxed while facing these fears. The hypnotherapist can help you focus on getting past your phobias and teach you strategies to remain relaxed when in feared environments.

Weight management

Hypnotherapy can be used as a powerful support in managing weight, working with deep rooted beliefs and emotions around food that often stem from childhood. for example. Beliefs regarding self worth, confidence and reward can also play a part in the complex relationships that are formed with food. Even the term “weight loss” can have a negative effect subconsciously as we associate loss as a negative thing, when we lose something we look to find or replace it.

It is not uncommon for a diets to be self sabotaged, causing frustrations and feelings of failure. One of the techniques used in hypnotherapy works with the different parts of the subconscious mind, the part wanting to change and the part that is resistant, seeking a resolution that works for the client for longer lasting lifestyle change.


Addictions can come in many different forms whether that be substances, shopping, gambling or exercising to name a few. Habits can become problems when they are affecting your life negatively in some way. Addictions are more common than you might think as often they are not talked about openly. There is light at the end of the tunnel and hypnotherapy can support you to gain control in your life once again.

In Hypnosis the person is in relaxed and suggestible state can help them to experience a different perspective on their addictive behaviours. What normally would seem impossible, quitting a substance or behaviour that is central to one’s existence, can seem achievable and desirable.

Confidence and Self esteem

Many people have thinking bias’s which contribute to low self-esteem. One example of a thinking bias is that a person is quick to find anything that fits with negative ideas or beliefs about themselves, and discount anything positive which would contradict the negative. When a person does this, they in effect focus on what they do wrong, and ignore what they do right. A person with low self-esteem has a tendency to disregard or even reject compliments given to them with the idea that it’s not true and someone is just trying to be nice by giving the compliment.

When a person has low self-esteem, the beliefs they hold about who they truly think they are will be mainly negative, and negative beliefs are expressed in many ways. These beliefs will affect how a person behaves. They might avoid challenges and opportunities, be continually apologetic, or find it difficult to be assertive. This person feels sadness, guilt, shame, frustration and anger. This also shows up in physical ways causing illness and feelings of fatigue and tension.

If you suffer from negative self-talk you might find that life seems to be as bad as you expect it to be as the subconscious mind helps to deliver a real life outcome to follow the thoughts you have been thinking. The good news is, it also works in the other direction. It is possible to guide your thoughts to focus on good things about you and around you, you will find your subconscious mind finds ways to prove those things to be true.