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Welcome to Innervate Hypnotherapy

"Change is inevitable, Self doubt is optional"

As humans, the thing that sets us apart from all other species on the planet is that we have a brain that has developed into something truly magnificent. We have been given the ability to remember the past, Analyse the present and imagine the future.

The mind is like a vehicle, if we learn to control it, it can take us to the most wonderful places but, just like getting behind the wheel of a car, if you have not yet learnt how to drive it you will find yourself in places you would rather not be! Learning how to “drive” your mind is a skill we are not yet taught at school, that time may come but for now so many people are on a journey through life that feels out of control or certainly rougher than it needs to be. Many people feel that their thoughts are controlling them, their feelings, their emotions, their behaviours and ultimately their lives. It doesn’t need to be that way.

Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries, although it has been called different things, there are many pioneers that have gone before that have used hypnotherapy to help many people over the years. Over recent years, hypnosis has been used for entertainment, making it more widely known but creating an image of mind control that most would likely be wary of. I can assure you that hypnosis is not mind control at all.

You might be surprised to know that you will have experienced self hypnosis on a day to day basis, when you are waking up or just before you fall asleep, day dreaming or being fully absorbed in a task or book. Your mind produces an electric impulse – brain waves (yes they are real!), the frequency of electricity that the brain emits slows down when we move our attention from focussing on the world around us to the world within us.

When we shift our focus to our inner world we close our eyes and begin to imagine, imagination is the language of the subconscious. As a hypnotherapist I will guide your imagination to help you communicate with your subconscious to change old thought patters that no longer have any benefit in your life, helping you to overcome negative thoughts and guide you to your desired future whatever that may be. As hypnotherapy works with the underlying mind, thoughts and emotions it can be used to help treat many different things. Please view the list on this website but it is not exhaustive. If you are unsure as to whether hypnotherapy can help you then give me a call and we can discuss your circumstances in more detail.

Hypnotherapy Treatments

Pain management

Smoking and Vaping Cessation


Anxiety, Stress, Fears and Phobias

Weight management


Confidence and Self esteem