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When people think of insomnia, they often assume it involves being up all night without getting any sleep. But since most people vary in how much sleep they need from night to night, insomnia is not defined by how long it takes to fall asleep or the number of hours of sleep. Instead, insomnia relates to the distress and day-to-day impairment as a result of one or more of the following: having trouble falling asleep, difficulty remaining asleep through the night, waking too early, or getting only non-restorative sleep, which leaves people feeling irritated, groggy, drained, or distracted the next day

To be able to sleep, the mind needs to be in a relaxed state, and one of the most effective ways to do that is through hypnosis as a natural state of deep relaxation . One of the reasons why it can be so hard to fall asleep is because the conscious mind keeps you awake, the more you try to sleep the harder it becomes to relax. Thoughts and worries keep swirling around in your mind, preventing you from falling asleep. Hypnotherapy guides you redirect your thoughts and calms your mind to give you back control so you can finally get a good night sleep, night after night.